Monday 30 January 2017

Australia continent | Australia map | List of countries in australia

Australia is the smallest continent in the world has a total 14 independent Australian countries at this moment. Australia is the largest country in this continent and Nauru is the smallest one. Sydney is the largest city of Australia Continent followed by Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, Gold Coast-Tweed, Newcastle, Canberra-Queanbeyan, Wollongong and Port Moresby.

Map of Australia

Map of Australia represents all Australian countries, borders of each Oceania countries and capitals along with major cities, road networks and countries & states boundaries, the physical features like most important mountain ranges, rivers and lakes. Australia is comprising mainland of Australia, New Guinea, Tasmania, Seram, possibly Timor, and neighboring islands.

List of Countries in Australia

Before we discuss about the South America, we should know some basic things first. We have represented a table below which contains all the necessary basics of this continent. The widely recognized 14 independent countries in Australia are listed by alphabetically with their current and estimated gross domestic product data collected from the Statistics Times.

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