Monday 30 January 2017

7 Continents, 5 Oceans And List Of All Countries In The World

world map
7 continents, 5 Oceans and 194 independent countries in the world are the entire of the physical Universe and all life upon it including human civilization. We have included the details about how many countries are in the world below in this article.
The earth is comprised of expansive land masses known as continents and water bodies known as oceans. This planet hasn’t been similar as how we see it now. Millions of years ago there were just a single huge land mass and an expansive ocean encompassing it. Afterward the land mass began to separated and float apart encompassed by water bodies on all sides and yet going on.
A continent is one of very large landmasses on the planet Earth. For the most part recognized by convention willingly than any stern criteria, up to seven regions are universally considered as continents. Continents are extremely large, continuous, discrete landmasses and ideally alienated by expanses of water.
Presently we have 7 continents and 5 oceans which are home to every one of us and billions of other living organisms. Let us learn about each of these 7 continents, 5 oceans and 194 independent countries that make up our planet earth.
Before we discuss about the 7 Continents of the World, we should know some basic things first. We have represented a table below which contains all the necessary basics on the go.


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